
Learning how to let go and move with the flow of life’s blows can be hard as you know what. The things in life that come at you out of nowhere and rock you deep in the core. How do you get back up? How do you start again? The questions of self doubt accompanied by the head spinning anxiety that floods your system. What do you do now? This is where I’ll come to yoga. Is yoga a save all type of practice? Maybe for some. It won’t make you some untouchable perfect being though. It might humble you often. But what yoga can do is meet you where you are. It can give you something to look forward to. It can give you an outlet to ground the intensity moving in your body and ease that chatter filled mind. Yoga teaches us to surrender. And when those life lessons come, each time, you learn again and again how to soften and surrender. Focus on what you can control. The one constant is your attitude towards it all. Do your best. Wake up everyday with the sun and salute your inner light. Even in your darkest hours, surrender to the light you have within you. That light that each of us has within. Yoga asana is but one tool to help you. Utilize every tool you can. You never know what you’ll learn when you slow down, breathe and surrender. Hope to see you on the mat my fellow light being.

much love,

the yoga captain


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